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Landscape Lighting Design, Installation, Repair & Maintenance

Landscape Lighting Design

Turn your home or business into a nighttime showstopper with exterior lighting design from Tharp Lighting. Leave it to our certified designers to illuminate your outdoor space with both beauty and function.

At Tharp Lighting, we provide our customers with the greatest value by using the highest quality fixtures at the best price. See why customers across the metroplex recommend our work without hesitation.

State of the Art Low-Voltage LED Outdoor Lighting.

Professional Installation

Good installation is as important as proper design. When you work with Tharp Lighting, we manage the entire installation of your outdoor lighting project from start to finish. Using only the highest quality fixtures, we ensure that no detail is overlooked in creating a system that will last and last.

Peace of Mind Warranty

System Maintenance & Repair

As your landscape matures, lighting fixtures require repositioning and maintenance to obtain optimum illumination results. We gladly service these needs throughout the entire DFW area.

Your new landscape lighting system is guaranteed during the first year of installation. If a fixture needs adjusting or a bulb burns out, we’ll promptly take care of it. After the first year, you can extend the peace of mind with one of our ongoing maintenance programs.

Landscape Lighting Services

Meet the Owners

Tharp Lighting is a family run business with over fifteen years of incredible service and expertise. Lighting has always sparked a passion and interest for Jordan, owner and lead designer for Tharp Lighting. In the right light, everything can be extraordinary.

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Our Work

Exterior Landscape

Backyard Retreat


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Tharp Lighting illuminated our home several years ago and we could not have been happier with every interaction we have had with this family run business. Evening became our favorite time to enjoy the beauty of our property and landscape.

Barbara M.

Great customer service and the entire process was seamless. We feel great pleasure every time we drive up to our home so beautifully illuminated.

Steven H.